by PTAM | Feb 22, 2016 | Accounting, Superannuation
In October last year we introduced you to a client named Katrina through an article titled SUPER… What happens when it is not paid? Katrina is still wondering “Where is my superannuation?” Katrina worked on a salary for the same employer for almost 10...
by PTAM | Jan 15, 2016 | Accounting, Events, Superannuation
Happy New Year and welcome to 2016. This week team PTAandM returned to work to kick off our 2016 campaign after a wonderful Christmas and New Year break where Santa delivered on everything except the weather. We were all able to enjoy the break, spend time with family...
by PTAM | Oct 28, 2015 | Superannuation
Superannuation is never far from the daily news. With the recent change in Government, there is an increasing debate on how the superannuation system in this country works. Should there be greater or fewer tax concessions for payments to superannuation? Will our...