We're here to help with your Performance Reviews
Let’s face it. Conflict in the workplace is usually something that managers and employees alike try to avoid. So it is only natural with today’s modern work environment producing increasing pressures that things like performance reviews are easy to ignore.
However, Performance reviews are a vital tool to help managers in any industry achieve the best from their team, and honest employee feedback is one of a business owner’s greatest assets. For employees, they want valuable, real-time feedback about how they’re performing.
Most business owners agree that performance appraisals are essential, but from a communication point of view, the traditional annual performance appraisal isn’t always enough. Managers know they should do them regularly, but often avoid the job. If they get beyond the procrastination, they don’t enjoy it, and it’s at best a neutral meeting where neither you nor your employees obtain anything of value.
At worst, the employee becomes upset because the feedback they got is far too late, often compounded by their expectation of a pay rise. In most companies, performance reviews are built up with stress and anxiety on both sides.
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it
has taken place – George Bernard Shaw
When reviews are seen as an annual feedback event, managers often assume they don’t need to provide honest feedback at any other time, and employees can feel that they would be best to save all their issues for the annual meeting.
Well, at Precision, we know that business owners need tools that help them quickly understand their teams, and that it’s a manager’s job to engage their teams and drive performance.
We believe in “telling it like it is” and know that real-time engagement with your team can give your employees a voice and a feeling of empowerment.
We can help you develop a system of employee engagement customised to your business and your team. We can help you turn the regular engagement of your staff into a powerful tool to drive your business productivity and overall satisfaction.
We can help you save time while providing you with the simple, visual tools that track trends within your team, obtain feedback and empower your team to start conversations that otherwise wouldn’t take place. This system helps you keep your team engaged and you focused on the big picture of running your business.
There are many reasons why your business should engage your team, and there are many reasons why your team want you to do it. If you want to know to make the performance review process as efficient as it can be or have a question about how to get started, don’t hesitate, Join the conversation… and let us help you.